Gita 2

This is my webage for GITA 2. I'm learning Html/javascript this year.
We are using Notepad++ to code our projects. I have been coding for a year and have learned
a lot.

Social Media Webpage

Date: 8/19/24

This progarm is to explain the usages of social media and every con and pros.
  • Business Card

    Date: 8/26/24

    This progarm is is a business card that has info about the school and the pervious projects link
  • Collage Project

    Date: 8/27/24

    This progarm is a collage using absoule and relative to show things I like while over lapping the images
  • Merchandise Store

    Date: 9/03/24

    This progarm is a store that you can buy from, outputting customer info
  • Dice

    Date: 9/11/24

    This progarm is simulates the roll of two dices that will add up, showing the probability of rolling a number
  • Craps Game

    Date: 9/16/24

    This progarm is simulates the roll of two dices that will be shown as a craps game, determing if you win or lose
  • Merchandise Upgrade

    Date: 9/23/24

    This progarm is an upgrade version of the Merchandise Store that has discounts based on grade level and a survery asking if you have a sibiling in gita

    Circle Bounce

    Date: 10/04/24

    This progarm is having a circle bounce around in the box when hitting the bounds

    Basic Space Invaders

    Date: 10/17/24

    This progarm is a simplified version of the classic shooter game


    Date: 10/25/24

    This project is a tank using the canvas element and key presses to move and fire at a randomly placed target that moves every few seconds
  • Multiple Circle Bounce

    Date: 10/31/24

    This project is an upgrade of circle bounce but using arrays to create multiple circles that move independently from each other that are random sizes and colors
  • Submarine

    Date: 10/31/24

    This project is uses an array to make fish move independently of each other while they try and avoid the submarine created using the canvas element while the submarine protects a smaller fish from the other fishes
  • Number Arrays

    Date: 11/20/24

    This project is finding the first position of your number throughout a randomly generated array of 1000. Also keeping track of odds and evens and the highest, lowest, and average of numbers
  • Number Arrays Upgrade

    Date: 12/04/24

    This project is an upgrade of the first one but instead generates 5000 random numbers and keeps track of how many times it took to find a random number using two methods
  • Photons

    Date: 1/17/25

    This project uses key press to control a character and space to shoot a projectile at the enemies.