Computer Science 1

This is my webage for GITA 1. I'm learning C# this year through
Visual Studio to code different projects. I'm have some back round of coding in Junior High but this is still very new to me. This year I have learned how to make arrays and using images from a file and using it in my desgin through code.
a lot.

Goodbye Project

Date: 8/24/23

This progarm is to translate the label, goodbye, into four different languages, Spanish, French, German, and Korean.

About Page

Date: 8/28/2023

This project is to used different buttons to show off a home page by using buttons and making things visible/not visible.

Mailing Label

Date: 8/24/2023

This project is to input information and store it and output the store information with a mailing label.


Date: 9/08/2023

This is made to test out inputs and outputs while creating a story that the player interact with.

Car Rental

Date: 9/14/2023

This project is to calcuate the price and the number of sales with customner info, using inputs and outputs.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Date: 9/19/2023

This progarm allows the user to calculate their wieght to see if it is healthy or not by inputting their wieght and height.

Car Rental Upgrade

Date: 9/28/2023

This progarm is used to calcuate the price and the number of sales with customner info, using inputs and outputs and the use of radio and check boxes.

Test Score

Date: 10/02/2023

User can add in two test scores and get find the letter grade, average, and which score is higher of the two.

Dice Probabilites

Date: 10/05/2023

This project uses random numbers and shows the added sum of the two dice and how many times you rolled and the probability of a number showing.

Craps Game

Date: 10/11/2023

This program is like an online craps game that uses randomize and messages boxes to let the user know if they win or lost.

Slot Machine

Date: 10/20/2023

This program is to simulate a slot macine and lets the user input bets and spin the wheel when they do. To spin the wheel they need to enter credits to try and win the grand pize.

Taco Shop

Date: 11/01/2023

This progarm is used to input all the skills we have learned so far through a taco shop where the user can make their own taco and make a order.

Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock

Date: 11/16/2023

This progarm is used to recreate rock, paper, scissors and hide player 1 and 2 choices until reveled

Stair Walker

Date: 11/30/2023

This is used to practice arrays by making a character go up and down.

2D Submarines

Date: 01/23/2024

This program is used to further developed our knowledge on arrays as well learning how to control timer speeds and intervals through the use of radio buttons (mine crashed)

Tic Tac Toe

Date: 01/29/2024

This is a copy of a 8 by 8 tic tac toe game where you need to get 5 in a row to win. It will automatically switch between player 1 and 2. It will also keep tracks of the wins of both player and ties but will reset when the "reset" button is click.

Basic AI

Date: 02/06/2024

In this program, we learned how to use key presses to move picture boxes with the arrow keys while an AI is chasing you. You can shot a projectile at the AI and get a point.

Star Field

Date: 02/20/2024

We used arrays for multiple picture boxes to reloacte them in the screen and move them in random directions. Then we use a timer to move the picture boxes outwards for the effect of the user going through.

Fishing Simulator

Date: 02/23/2024

In this project we use arrays for fishes to randomaly move them left, right, up, and down while staying in the boundaries of the form. There will be a shark moving around on the form and if a fish intersects with the shark, the fish will appear at the bottom "dead". There will also be a ship auto moving on the top that allows the user to release a hook that will drop down by pushing the space bar. There will also be bubbles just going up and down. Finally, once all the fishes are gone, the game will end, asking the user if they want to play again.

Number Array

Date: 03/11/2024

We make an interger array to generate a random list of numbers between 1 to 100. Then it will classify the numbers into odd,even, highest, lowest, and the average of them.

Bee Simulator

Date: 03/19/2024

In this project, we used code to create a picturebox coming out of an original picturebox and make the one we created go to another. When it intersects with the picturebox, the one we created gose to the original one it came out of and disppears.